Everyone’s perimenopause and menopause journey looks a little bit different, as no two bodies are the same. This is a case study of someone who completed The Starkel Nutrition Programs Peri + Menopause Program, co-led by functional medicine nutritionist Julie Starkel...
Mindful eating might be a topic that you’re well-versed in, or maybe it’s totally new for you! Either way, returning back to the definition of mindfulness can be a helpful starting point for building a mindful eating practice. The founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress...
If the cold and flu season wasn’t rough enough, the holiday season is also officially upon us. Staying healthy and sane can be a struggle for the best of us. We asked our providers to share their top immune health recommendations to help you thrive this holiday...
According to the National Library of Medicine, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is becoming increasingly more common across the world. Similarly, we here at Starkel Nutrition have noticed an uptick in clients requesting support for PCOS-related issues. So what is...
Nourishing our bodies with quality food is one of the best ways we can ensure longevity, movement, and optimal function. Here at Starkel Nutrition, as functional medicine nutritionists, we’re all about promoting the benefits of a whole foods-based diet. However,...
What are adrenals? Our adrenals sit right on top of our kidneys and produce numerous hormones like adrenaline, sex hormones, and cortisol—the hormone that responds when we are stressed. We can think of our adrenals as the “fight or flight” production center. They are...
Welcome to the Starkel Nutrition. As credentialed providers, we bring you relevant information frequently so that you can learn about timely nutrition subjects, decipher fact from fiction, and apply healthy eating to your life.