5 Tips for Managing Blood Sugar During the Holidays

Making healthy choices during the winter holidays can be challenging for anyone. Disruptions brought on by travel, stress and food-filled celebrations can really wreak havoc on people’s self-care practices, and often set us up for situations that lead to less...

Heavy Metals in My Chocolate – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Holiday Season rolls around every year and with it comes sweets of every kind. One of the most popular and easily accessible? Grocery store chocolate. It’s delicious! We all eat it, we all love it – it’s a part of our holiday celebrations! But is it worse...

Winter Greens Salad Recipe With Farro & Lemon-Miso Dressing

This is a hearty winter salad that is loaded with nourishing fats and dark leafy greens. It is a perfect side dish for anyone still looking to finalize their Christmas dinner menu! Or, to make it a complete meal, we recommend topping this salad with grilled salmon,...